2015 Eno Fellowship: Each summer, the Eno Future Leader Development Conference brings a select group of the top graduate students in transportation and related disciplines to the nation’s capital for an introduction to how transportation policy and programs are formed. During their week in Washington, the “Eno Fellows” meet with leaders from key transportation constituencies, including the U.S. Department of Transportation and its modal administrations, congressional committees, industry associations, and numerous advocacy groups. The Fellows also tour the local transportation facilities, discuss career planning with the Eno Board of Directors, and get to know one another in informal settings. At the end of the week, they are welcomed into the Eno Alumni Network that includes hundreds of transportation leaders representing all modes and areas of the country. The Network offers valuable resources for continuing education, involvement in policy issues, and career development. Subasish Das was selected as one out of twenty 2015 Eno Fellows. The overall value of the award is $5,000.
Subasish Das with U.S. Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx and other Eno Fellows
2015 Eno fellowship brochure Newsletter link2014 AASHTO High Value Research Sweet Sixteen Award: Dr. Xiaoduan Sun and Subasish Das were awarded by AASHTO for their high value research. Two of their research projects "Safety Improvement from Edge Lines on Rural Two-Lane Highways / A Comprehensive Study on Pavement Edge Line Implementation" were announced by the AASHTO Research Advisory Committee (RAC) as being awarded a spot on its 2014 Sweet Sixteen High Value Research Projects list. The award was given at the 94th TRB Annual Meeting in Washington DC in January, 2015.
Two LTRC studies, Safety Improvement from Edge Lines on Rural Two-Lane Highways (07-7P) and A Comprehensive Study on Pave- ment Edge Line Implementation (13-2P) were recently recognized by the AASHTO Research Advisory Committee (RAC) and awarded a spot on its 2014 Sweet Sixteen High Value Research Projects list. Each year, RAC collects High Value Research highlights from member states across the nation. These highlights showcase projects that are providing transportation excellence through research.
Implementation Impact Newsletter
Research Makes Difference 2014
Edge lines on rural highways. A series of research and implementation studies in Louisiana showed that placing edge lines on rural two-lane highways improves how drivers position their vehicles in the lane and reduces crashes by more than 15 percent. The state calculates an impressive benefit–cost ratio of 19:1.
2015 ULL Graduate Expo Best Paper Award: UL Lafayette Graduate School calls for papers from graduate students in STEM category focusing on scientific excellence showcased in UL Lafayette Graduate School Expo 2015. Two awards were given to the top students in STEM category. Subasish Das was awarded 2nd Place for his paper "Using Multiple Correspondence Analysis for Run-Off-Road Crashes".
Travel Award to attend 2015 Summer Institute in Statistics for Big Data: Subasish Das was awarded a scholarship to attend the Summer Institute in Statistics for Big Data, to be held at the University of Washington, July 20-22, 2015 [Module 20: Reproducible Research for Biomedical Big Data].
2014 SASHTO Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award: The Southeastern Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (SASHTO) Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award recognizes graduate students who have conducted high quality research in the broad area of transportation. The award includes a certificate and full coverage of the cost of attending the conference. The travel expense, conference registration, hotel, and meals are covered by the award. The overall value of the award is $1,500. Subasish Das was awarded 2014 SASHTO Graduate Student Research Award from LTRC Foundation. Subasish presented his paper Analyzing At-fault Crash-Prone Drivers of Louisiana Associated with Multiple Crashes at the SASHTO Conference held in New Orleans from August 24-27, 2014. Subasish received his certificate from Louisiana DOTD’s Secretary Sherri LeBas.
Subasish Das with LaDOTD Secretary LeBas and other award winners
SASHTO conference brochure Award picture link2014 GRITS Award: Subasish Das was awarded 2014 GRITS Award for academic excellence, extracurricular activities, and written essay on cyber-physical roadways. The award includes a certificate and award prize of $1,500.
Announcement link2013 GRITS First Place Award: The Gulf Region Intelligent Transportation Society (GRITS), a non-profit corporation founded in 2009 as a chapter of the Intelligent Transportation Society of America, awarded three graduate students from Mississippi, Louisiana and Alabama. Subasish Das was awarded First Place Scholarship for academic excellence, extracurricular activities, and written essay supporting the mission and goals of the GRITS chapter. Subasish received his certificate from ITS America CEO Scott Belcher at GRITS 2013 Annual Meeting held in New Orleans on November 23-25, 2013. The award includes a certificate and full coverage of the cost of attending the annual meeting and award prize of $1,500.
Subasish Das (Left) with ITS America CEO Scott Belcher
Award picture link Newsletter link2013 AASHTO High Value Research Sweet Sixteen Award Nomination: The research project "Developing Louisiana CMF", conducted by Dr. Xiaoduan Sun and Subasish Das, was nominated in the finalist projects by AASHTO.
AASHTO Research Making Strides
Research sponsored by the Louisiana Transportation Research Center resulted in the development of a Louisiana-specific crash modification factor (CMF) for converting a four-lane urban undivided roadway to a five-lane roadway by re-striping. In the last decade, Louisiana DOTD converted several segments of urban undivided four-lane roadways to five-lane roadways with a center two-way left turn lane by re-striping pavement markings without increasing pavement width. Based on a statistical analysis with six years of crash data, the CMF for all of those segments is estimated to be less than 0.6 with a standard deviation less than 0.07.
Deep South ITS Scholarship [2011-2014]: Subasish Das received this prestigious scholarship for four consecutive years (2011-2014).
2013 Anouncement Department Newsletter 2012 Anouncement 2011 Announcement2012 UL Design Leadership Award: The Designing Leaders Program is a volunteer-educational experience developed by the UL College of Engineering to provide its students an opportunity to develop stronger leadership skills. Subasish was awarded UL Design Leadership Award in 2012.
Subasish Das with other 2012 UL Design Leaders
Travel Award for 9th Graduate Academic Forum of Beihang University [Declined]: Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics arranged this competition to invite international graduate students (M.S. and PhD) in Civil and Transportation Engineering, to participate in the 9th Graduate Academic Forum of Beihang University, October 9-11, 2012 at Beihang University, Beijing, China. Subasish Das achieved this award in 2012.