Ohio Rural Interstate – Daily Speed (ARIMA)

Subasish Das and Choalun Ma


# Step 1: Load R Packages 
### options(repos='http://cran.rstudio.com/')



mytype = 'RI'

df_RMA <- b02a
df_RMA$spd_av = 3600*df_RMA$DISTANCE/df_RMA$Travel_TIME_ALL_VEHICLES
df_RMA$spd_ft = 3600*df_RMA$DISTANCE/df_RMA$Travel_TIME_FREIGHT_TRUCKS

### Month, Day
df_RMA$date <- as.character(df_RMA$DATE)
df_RMA$date <- str_pad(df_RMA$DATE, 8, pad = "0")
df_RMA$Month <- substr(df_RMA$date, start = 1, stop = 2)
df_RMA$Day   <- substr(df_RMA$date, start = 3, stop = 4)
df_RMA$Year  <- substr(df_RMA$date, start = 5, stop = 8)
df_RMA$MonthDay <- paste0(df_RMA$Month,"_", df_RMA$Day)
##            TimeStamp       TMC    DATE EPOCH1h Travel_TIME_ALL_VEHICLES
## 1:  108N05179_0101_0 108N05179 1012015       0                30.000000
## 2:  108N05179_0101_1 108N05179 1012015       1                 5.000000
## 3: 108N05179_0101_10 108N05179 1012015      10                 6.500000
## 4: 108N05179_0101_11 108N05179 1012015      11                 4.833333
## 5: 108N05179_0101_12 108N05179 1012015      12                 5.000000
## 6: 108N05179_0101_13 108N05179 1012015      13                 5.200000
## 1:                             NA                       30.0        USA
## 2:                       5.000000                         NA        USA
## 3:                             NA                        6.5        USA
## 4:                       4.666667                        6.0        USA
## 5:                       5.000000                         NA        USA
## 6:                       5.250000                        5.5        USA
## 1:       Ohio       Wood  0.08766       I-75           41.16766 -83.64961
## 2:       Ohio       Wood  0.08766       I-75           41.16766 -83.64961
## 3:       Ohio       Wood  0.08766       I-75           41.16766 -83.64961
## 4:       Ohio       Wood  0.08766       I-75           41.16766 -83.64961
## 5:       Ohio       Wood  0.08766       I-75           41.16766 -83.64961
## 6:       Ohio       Wood  0.08766       I-75           41.16766 -83.64961
## 1: Southbound 33004.3    WOO       D        G       N           F 12.03248
## 2: Southbound 33004.3    WOO       D        G       N           F 12.03248
## 3: Southbound 33004.3    WOO       D        G       N           F 12.03248
## 4: Southbound 33004.3    WOO       D        G       N           F 12.03248
## 5: Southbound 33004.3    WOO       D        G       N           F 12.03248
## 6: Southbound 33004.3    WOO       D        G       N           F 12.03248
## 1:        2        4 4.032475 65.93505     0 25.24 0.2367525 WOO0075R
## 2:        2        4 4.032475 65.93505     0 25.24 0.2367525 WOO0075R
## 3:        2        4 4.032475 65.93505     0 25.24 0.2367525 WOO0075R
## 4:        2        4 4.032475 65.93505     0 25.24 0.2367525 WOO0075R
## 5:        2        4 4.032475 65.93505     0 25.24 0.2367525 WOO0075R
## 6:        2        4 4.032475 65.93505     0 25.24 0.2367525 WOO0075R
##    rte_nbr     aadt  aadt_bc  aadt_pt surf_wid no_lanes func_cls rodwycls
## 1:   0075R 49134.52 13491.41 35643.11       48        4        1        6
## 2:   0075R 49134.52 13491.41 35643.11       48        4        1        6
## 3:   0075R 49134.52 13491.41 35643.11       48        4        1        6
## 4:   0075R 49134.52 13491.41 35643.11       48        4        1        6
## 5:   0075R 49134.52 13491.41 35643.11       48        4        1        6
## 6:   0075R 49134.52 13491.41 35643.11       48        4        1        6
##    Total K A B C O DAYMTH Crash   spd_av   spd_pv   spd_ft     date Month
## 1:     0 0 0 0 0 0   0101     0 10.51920       NA 10.51920 01012015    01
## 2:     0 0 0 0 0 0   0101     0 63.11520 63.11520       NA 01012015    01
## 3:     0 0 0 0 0 0   0101     0 48.55015       NA 48.55015 01012015    01
## 4:     0 0 0 0 0 0   0101     0 65.29159 67.62343 52.59600 01012015    01
## 5:     0 0 0 0 0 0   0101     0 63.11520 63.11520       NA 01012015    01
## 6:     0 0 0 0 0 0   0101     0 60.68769 60.10971 57.37745 01012015    01
##    Day Year MonthDay
## 1:  01 2015    01_01
## 2:  01 2015    01_01
## 3:  01 2015    01_01
## 4:  01 2015    01_01
## 5:  01 2015    01_01
## 6:  01 2015    01_01
day1<- df_RMA[,-c(1)] %>% group_by(MonthDay) %>% summarize(Speed_All_Mean=mean(spd_av, na.rm=TRUE))
## # A tibble: 365 x 2
##    MonthDay Speed_All_Mean
##    <chr>             <dbl>
##  1 01_01              63.0
##  2 01_02              63.8
##  3 01_03              61.9
##  4 01_04              62.5
##  5 01_05              61.8
##  6 01_06              57.4
##  7 01_07              60.0
##  8 01_08              60.7
##  9 01_09              58.4
## 10 01_10              62.5
## # ... with 355 more rows
# Step 2: Examine Data
speed_clean <- tsclean(ts(day1$Speed_All_Mean))

# ggplot() + geom_line(data = Q1, aes(x = TimeStamp, y = speed_clean)) + ylab('Cleaned Speed Records')

day1$cnt_ma = ma(speed_clean, order=7) # using the clean count with no outliers
day1$cnt_ma30 = ma(speed_clean, order=30)
# Step 3: Decompose Your Data
count_ma = ts(na.omit(speed_clean), frequency=30)
decomp = stl(count_ma, s.window="periodic")
deseasonal_cnt <- seasadj(decomp)

# Step 4: Stationarity
# statinary test
adf.test(count_ma, alternative = "stationary")
##  Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
## data:  count_ma
## Dickey-Fuller = -3.7802, Lag order = 7, p-value = 0.02026
## alternative hypothesis: stationary
adf.test(deseasonal_cnt, alternative = "stationary")
##  Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
## data:  deseasonal_cnt
## Dickey-Fuller = -3.7277, Lag order = 7, p-value = 0.02288
## alternative hypothesis: stationary
d1 = diff(deseasonal_cnt)
adf.test(d1, alternative = "stationary")
## Warning in adf.test(d1, alternative = "stationary"): p-value smaller than
## printed p-value
##  Augmented Dickey-Fuller Test
## data:  d1
## Dickey-Fuller = -9.8542, Lag order = 7, p-value = 0.01
## alternative hypothesis: stationary
# Step 5: Autocorrelations and Choosing Model Order
# check ACF and PACF

##          ACF  PACF
##   [1,]  0.71  0.71
##   [2,]  0.49 -0.02
##   [3,]  0.41  0.13
##   [4,]  0.37  0.08
##   [5,]  0.41  0.20
##   [6,]  0.53  0.31
##   [7,]  0.56  0.10
##   [8,]  0.47 -0.05
##   [9,]  0.36 -0.06
##  [10,]  0.24 -0.15
##  [11,]  0.24  0.08
##  [12,]  0.36  0.16
##  [13,]  0.50  0.23
##  [14,]  0.58  0.19
##  [15,]  0.49 -0.08
##  [16,]  0.35 -0.05
##  [17,]  0.29  0.03
##  [18,]  0.25 -0.10
##  [19,]  0.31  0.00
##  [20,]  0.45  0.10
##  [21,]  0.52  0.11
##  [22,]  0.43 -0.01
##  [23,]  0.29 -0.10
##  [24,]  0.19 -0.03
##  [25,]  0.17 -0.05
##  [26,]  0.26  0.01
##  [27,]  0.37  0.03
##  [28,]  0.44  0.06
##  [29,]  0.37 -0.03
##  [30,]  0.23 -0.10
##  [31,]  0.11 -0.10
##  [32,]  0.06 -0.10
##  [33,]  0.15  0.03
##  [34,]  0.29  0.04
##  [35,]  0.37  0.09
##  [36,]  0.30 -0.01
##  [37,]  0.18 -0.01
##  [38,]  0.06 -0.10
##  [39,]  0.06  0.06
##  [40,]  0.17  0.05
##  [41,]  0.26 -0.07
##  [42,]  0.32  0.01
##  [43,]  0.24 -0.09
##  [44,]  0.08 -0.09
##  [45,] -0.02  0.01
##  [46,] -0.01  0.06
##  [47,]  0.04 -0.02
##  [48,]  0.15 -0.01
##  [49,]  0.21 -0.04
##  [50,]  0.16  0.04
##  [51,]  0.05  0.00
##  [52,] -0.04  0.01
##  [53,] -0.09 -0.12
##  [54,]  0.00  0.03
##  [55,]  0.12 -0.03
##  [56,]  0.17  0.03
##  [57,]  0.13  0.02
##  [58,]  0.01  0.00
##  [59,] -0.10 -0.02
##  [60,] -0.10  0.05
##  [61,] -0.02  0.04
##  [62,]  0.08 -0.01
##  [63,]  0.15 -0.02
##  [64,]  0.12  0.02
##  [65,]  0.01  0.06
##  [66,] -0.09  0.01
##  [67,] -0.10  0.05
##  [68,] -0.02  0.00
##  [69,]  0.09  0.02
##  [70,]  0.15  0.01
##  [71,]  0.09 -0.04
##  [72,] -0.03  0.00
##  [73,] -0.11  0.08
##  [74,] -0.10  0.04
##  [75,] -0.01  0.05
##  [76,]  0.11  0.04
##  [77,]  0.18  0.04
##  [78,]  0.12 -0.04
##  [79,]  0.03  0.05
##  [80,] -0.07 -0.07
##  [81,] -0.08  0.00
##  [82,]  0.01  0.00
##  [83,]  0.11  0.03
##  [84,]  0.15  0.04
##  [85,]  0.12  0.00
##  [86,]  0.03  0.00
##  [87,] -0.05  0.02
##  [88,] -0.07 -0.03
##  [89,]  0.00 -0.01
##  [90,]  0.12  0.01
##  [91,]  0.19 -0.02
##  [92,]  0.14 -0.02
##  [93,]  0.05  0.06
##  [94,] -0.01  0.03
##  [95,]  0.00  0.11
##  [96,]  0.07 -0.05
##  [97,]  0.18  0.01
##  [98,]  0.23  0.00
##  [99,]  0.19  0.00
## [100,]  0.09 -0.05
## [101,]  0.01  0.03
## [102,]  0.01  0.00
## [103,]  0.10  0.04
## [104,]  0.19 -0.05
## [105,]  0.24  0.04
## [106,]  0.21  0.01
## [107,]  0.12  0.00
## [108,]  0.04 -0.04
## [109,]  0.02 -0.02
## [110,]  0.07 -0.09
## [111,]  0.18  0.03
## [112,]  0.22 -0.07
## [113,]  0.19  0.05
## [114,]  0.11  0.01
## [115,]  0.04 -0.01
## [116,]  0.03 -0.03
## [117,]  0.09 -0.04
## [118,]  0.17 -0.05
## [119,]  0.22 -0.02
## [120,]  0.18 -0.02

##          ACF  PACF
##   [1,]  0.71  0.71
##   [2,]  0.50 -0.02
##   [3,]  0.41  0.13
##   [4,]  0.38  0.09
##   [5,]  0.41  0.19
##   [6,]  0.54  0.32
##   [7,]  0.58  0.10
##   [8,]  0.48 -0.06
##   [9,]  0.37 -0.06
##  [10,]  0.24 -0.15
##  [11,]  0.24  0.09
##  [12,]  0.36  0.17
##  [13,]  0.51  0.20
##  [14,]  0.58  0.20
##  [15,]  0.50 -0.08
##  [16,]  0.36 -0.06
##  [17,]  0.29  0.05
##  [18,]  0.26 -0.11
##  [19,]  0.31  0.01
##  [20,]  0.46  0.13
##  [21,]  0.53  0.09
##  [22,]  0.44  0.00
##  [23,]  0.30 -0.11
##  [24,]  0.20 -0.06
##  [25,]  0.17 -0.03
##  [26,]  0.26  0.00
##  [27,]  0.37  0.02
##  [28,]  0.44  0.08
##  [29,]  0.38 -0.05
##  [30,]  0.22 -0.12
##  [31,]  0.10 -0.08
##  [32,]  0.06 -0.12
##  [33,]  0.15  0.05
##  [34,]  0.29  0.04
##  [35,]  0.37  0.07
##  [36,]  0.30  0.02
##  [37,]  0.18 -0.02
##  [38,]  0.06 -0.09
##  [39,]  0.06  0.07
##  [40,]  0.17  0.03
##  [41,]  0.26 -0.06
##  [42,]  0.33  0.03
##  [43,]  0.25 -0.12
##  [44,]  0.08 -0.06
##  [45,] -0.02  0.02
##  [46,] -0.01  0.04
##  [47,]  0.04  0.00
##  [48,]  0.15 -0.03
##  [49,]  0.21 -0.06
##  [50,]  0.17  0.09
##  [51,]  0.05 -0.02
##  [52,] -0.04  0.02
##  [53,] -0.09 -0.11
##  [54,]  0.00  0.00
##  [55,]  0.12 -0.02
##  [56,]  0.18  0.04
##  [57,]  0.14  0.00
##  [58,]  0.01  0.02
##  [59,] -0.10 -0.04
##  [60,] -0.11  0.02
##  [61,] -0.02  0.07
##  [62,]  0.07 -0.04
##  [63,]  0.15  0.00
##  [64,]  0.12  0.02
##  [65,]  0.00  0.04
##  [66,] -0.10  0.03
##  [67,] -0.10  0.06
##  [68,] -0.02 -0.03
##  [69,]  0.09  0.04
##  [70,]  0.15  0.00
##  [71,]  0.10 -0.03
##  [72,] -0.03  0.01
##  [73,] -0.11  0.06
##  [74,] -0.10  0.04
##  [75,] -0.01  0.07
##  [76,]  0.11  0.01
##  [77,]  0.18  0.06
##  [78,]  0.12 -0.07
##  [79,]  0.03  0.03
##  [80,] -0.06  0.00
##  [81,] -0.07 -0.01
##  [82,]  0.00  0.01
##  [83,]  0.11  0.02
##  [84,]  0.15  0.02
##  [85,]  0.13  0.01
##  [86,]  0.03  0.02
##  [87,] -0.05 -0.01
##  [88,] -0.06  0.00
##  [89,]  0.01 -0.03
##  [90,]  0.11 -0.01
##  [91,]  0.18  0.00
##  [92,]  0.14 -0.06
##  [93,]  0.06  0.07
##  [94,] -0.01  0.04
##  [95,] -0.01  0.10
##  [96,]  0.06 -0.03
##  [97,]  0.18  0.02
##  [98,]  0.24 -0.02
##  [99,]  0.19  0.01
## [100,]  0.09 -0.06
## [101,]  0.02  0.04
## [102,]  0.02 -0.01
## [103,]  0.10  0.04
## [104,]  0.19 -0.03
## [105,]  0.25  0.06
## [106,]  0.21 -0.01
## [107,]  0.13  0.01
## [108,]  0.04 -0.07
## [109,]  0.02 -0.03
## [110,]  0.08 -0.05
## [111,]  0.19  0.02
## [112,]  0.22 -0.06
## [113,]  0.19  0.04
## [114,]  0.11  0.00
## [115,]  0.04 -0.02
## [116,]  0.04 -0.02
## [117,]  0.09 -0.07
## [118,]  0.17 -0.02
## [119,]  0.22 -0.04
## [120,]  0.18 -0.04

Seasonility Not in Consideration

# Step 6: Fitting an ARIMA model
auto.arima(deseasonal_cnt, seasonal=FALSE)
## Series: deseasonal_cnt 
## ARIMA(2,1,1) with drift 
## Coefficients:
##          ar1      ar2      ma1   drift
##       0.5404  -0.2185  -0.9114  0.0051
## s.e.  0.0546   0.0541   0.0239  0.0038
## sigma^2 estimated as 0.2936:  log likelihood=-292.12
## AIC=594.25   AICc=594.42   BIC=613.73
# Step 7: Evaluate and Iterate
# (try different model)
fit<-auto.arima(deseasonal_cnt, seasonal=FALSE)
tsdisplay(residuals(fit), lag.max=45, main='Model Residuals [Seasonality not considered]')

# step 8 forcast
fcast <- forecast(fit, h=30)

Seasonility in Consideration

# Step 6: Fitting an ARIMA model
auto.arima(deseasonal_cnt, seasonal=TRUE)
## Series: deseasonal_cnt 
## ARIMA(5,1,2)(2,0,0)[30] 
## Coefficients:
## Warning in sqrt(diag(x$var.coef)): NaNs produced
##          ar1      ar2      ar3      ar4      ar5      ma1     ma2     sar1
##       0.6552  -0.7782  -0.0748  -0.3181  -0.1462  -1.1488  0.8776  -0.0068
## s.e.     NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN      NaN     NaN      NaN
##          sar2
##       -0.1002
## s.e.      NaN
## sigma^2 estimated as 0.2481:  log likelihood=-259.57
## AIC=539.15   AICc=539.77   BIC=578.12
# Step 7: Evaluate and Iterate
# (try different model)
fit<-auto.arima(deseasonal_cnt, seasonal=TRUE)
tsdisplay(residuals(fit), lag.max=45, main='Model Residuals [Seasonality considered]')

# step 8 forcast
fcast <- forecast(fit, h=30)